Mixed Signals

Straight-forward gaming

Today, Pariah Nexus was released on the Warhammer+ streaming service. It seems to be about the Adepta Sororitas (or at least one of them, anyway) and the Necrons, so I've been excited about the series since it was teased months ago. I enjoyed the first episode, and this is my review of it, arbit...

A new series called Pariah Nexus is out on the Warhammer TV streaming service. I enjoyed the first episode, but the second episode is easily one of the best episodes of any series on Warhammer TV. This review is free of major spoilers, but if you want the show to be a total surprise then stop...

Before there was Curse of Strahd (CoS), possibly the most famous 5e adventure, there was the 3rd edition adventure Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. I run this adventure around Halloween, sometimes starting with Death House, the free introduction to Curse of Strahd. It's fun for players who ha...