Mixed Signals

Straight-forward gaming

I'm reading through the published adventures available for Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory Warhammer RPG. Litanies of the Lost is a book containing four adventures that can be run independently or as a continuous campaign. The framework requires the IMPERIUM keyword, and the first adventure is for T...

I've run Sunless Citadel, originally published for 3rd Edition and most recently printed in the Tales from the Yawning Portal book, a few times and thought I'd give my thoughts on running it in either Pathfinder or D&D. In my experience, it's more or less a perfect adventure for almost any purpo...

I play a lot of tabletop RPG and wargames and board games, and I'll admit I'm often drawn to the ones with complex rules, but that doesn't mean I want every game I play to have complex rules. Sure, part of the fun of tabletop gaming for me is seeing how the interaction of rules affect the simulated...

I'm reading through the published adventures available for Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory Warhammer RPG. Null hypothesis is an adventure for Tier 3 or 4 characters. The framework isn't specified, but the quest giver is a rogue trader, while the subject of the rescue quest is Imperium, so there's an...

I'm reading through the published adventures available for Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory Warhammer RPG. Affliction Ascendant is the fourth and final book in a quartet of adventures, preceded by Bloody Gates, On the wings of Valkyries, and Lord of the Spire. The books aren't quite sequential,...

I'm reading through the published adventures available for Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory Warhammer RPG. Litanies of the Lost is a book containing four adventures that can be run independently or as a continuous campaign. The framework suggests the IMPERIUM keyword, but two new frameworks specific...

I'm reading through the published adventures available for Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory Warhammer RPG. Lord of the spire is the third book in a quartet of adventures, including Bloody Gates, On the wings of Valkyries, and Affliction Ascendant. The books aren't exactly sequential, and instea...

I'm reading through the published adventures available for Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory Warhammer RPG. On the wings of Valkyries is the second part of a quartet of adventures, including Bloody Gates, Lord of the Spire, and Affliction Ascendant. Each adventure occurs during the same military...

I'm reading through the published adventures available for Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory Warhammer RPG. Bloody Gates is the first part of a quartet of adventures, followed by On the Wings of Valkyries, Lord of the Spire, and Affliction Ascendant. This is an interesting series, because it's n...

I'm reading through the published adventures available for Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory Warhammer RPG. The third adventure I read was Rain of Mercy, an introductory adventure about a water supply investigation.

In Rain of Mercy, players take on the role of a special task force hired by Rogue...

I recently read through the Warhammer: Wrath and Glory tabletop RPG rulebook, and now I'm reading through the published adventures available for it from Cubicle 7. The second adventure I read was Brass Tax, an introductory Tier 2 adventure about a Space Marine rescue mission.

In Brass Tax, p...

I recently read through the Warhammer: Wrath and Glory tabletop RPG rulebook, and now I'm reading through the published adventures available for it from Cubicle 7. The first adventure I read was Graveyard Shift, a Tier 1 or 2 investigative adventure about the recovery of dangerous xeno tech.


If you think of Warhammer as just a series of video games...or a series of science fiction books, or as a series of miniature toy soldiers to paint, or as a series of board games, or as a war game...then you might be surprised to learn that it's also a tabletop roleplaying game. Or you might not be...

I picked up Fizban's Treasury of Dragon and have been reading it cover to cover. This is my review of the book, chapter by chapter. In this post, I discuss Chapter 6: Bestiary.

I say it about almost everything in D&D, from spells to magic items to player options, but I'll say it now about Dragon...

It's annoying that the Open Gaming License 1.0a is under attack, but it's not actually detrimental. As many people (and in fact possibly most people) recognize, you don't need anybody's permission to play a game at home, nor to write an adventure that happens to work with D&D™ 5th Edition. Don't c...

At the time of this writing, Wizards of the Coast was attempting to unjustly, and probably unlawfully, revoke the Open Gaming License. They've recently agreed to stop that attempt, and as a sign of good faith they've released the System Reference Document (SRD) into Creative Commons. That's a minor...