Mixed Signals

Straight-forward gaming

I just finished reading Gav Thorpe's The Wolftime, book 3 in the Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of Fire series, and just because I didn't like it doesn't mean it's not well-written. Gav Thorpe wrote The Grey Raven, one of my favourite stories from Heralds of the Siege, and one of the reasons I liked...

I started reading Gate of Bones, and it wasn't until I'd finished it that I realised it was book 2 in the Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of Fire series. I'm sure the first book is very good, but I have to admit I got through all 384 pages of Gate of Bones book without any confusion, so I probably won't...

There's a good argument that when you play a wargame, you're the General of your army. You have a seemingly god's-eye-view of the whole battlefield because you're getting constant updates from your soldiers on the ground. And yet, for me, I tend to willingly fall back on RPG tropes like "but my char...

Having read about Roboute Guilliman's return to Warhammer 40,000, I decided to read Roboute Guilliman: Lord of Ultramar in the Primarchs book series. This is my review of the book. This post contains no spoilers.

I have no particular affinity for the Ultramarines, aside from the fact that th...

Browsing through the local second-hand market, I came across a rare game book called Magnamund Companion. This 100 page soft cover book was sort of a setting guide for Joe Dever's Lone Wolf RPG series. Now that I own a copy, I've read it from cover to cover, and this is my review.

Lone Wolf i...