Mixed Signals

Straight-forward gaming

A Romance of Two Worlds by Maria Corelli provides you with so much to think about, your mind will be racing for the duration of each chapter. The obvious thing you'll be thinking about is the story as presented: a musician goes abroad in an attempt to rest and recover from depression and illness....

Seems like five years ago, you couldn't talk about editing a graphic without somebody raising their nose into the air, listing all the expensive software you just had to have to do it right. Luckily, people are starting to come around to the idea that there shouldn't be one software provider to rul...

Jack Vance is one of my favourite authors, and a few of his books are easily among my top 5 favourite books (assuming, as I do, that I'm allowed at least one top-5 book lists per author).

The book Dying Earth is an early (possibly his first novel, but I'm no literary historian) Vance fantasy...

Shortly after reading a book on Fermat's last theorem, I convinced myself that I was the appropriate audience for pop mathematics books. You know the kind of book I mean: they're not text books, but pithy and friendly tales mixing history with whimsy with a brief peak in at the technical stuff. Jus...

Therefore, Repent is a supremely unique and inventive and bold graphic novel, the likes of which I don't believe I shall ever see again.

The story's a post apocalyptic tale, quite literally, with angels roaming the street of the Earth, wearing combat helmets and bearing arms. It's a divine p...

Years and years ago, back when Qt4 was new and the KDE 4 desktop was redefining how Linux users interfaced with their PCs, I bought this book so I could learn how about C++ and what surely must be its most popular GUI framework. Qt4 is history now and Qt5 is the latest, greatest library set ava...

I first read Dragonlance books a long time ago, as a kid. I didn't remember much about the books, only that it featured characters who were real and vitally important to me, and that Krynn was D&D in my mind until, I guess, I discovered the Forgotten Realms.

I recently had a chance to pick th...