This appears as an ornate square pillow, small enough to be carried in a backpack along with other equipment. It does not seem to radiate magic unless studied extensively, at which time, it's cursed nature may or may not be revealed (GM's option). It is made with silk, and fine threads, and remains...
Less a cursed magic item than an poorly-made one, this appears as a high-backed wooden chair of ornate design. Upon sitting in the chair and speaking a command word (subtly carved into one of the chair's arms; careful investigation will reveal it), this item rises from the floor.
A seated indi...
This is either a tool of assassination, or a horrid curse, depending upon how it is used. This item appears as a somewhat battered copper drinking cup. It will radiate magic if tested for. This cup looks somewhat old, but in reality, it is quite ancient, hailing from a time when political intrigu...
A lavish cloak, embroidered with runes and patterns of great, old, and forgotten households of the frozen North.
It is unnaturally comfortable and protective, providing +1 to saves against environmental effects.
However, while in possession of this cloak, a player cannot recall their own na...
This appears to be a medium shield made of high quality wood, steel, and leather, which will will radiate magic. If tested, it will prove to give its wearer a +2 bonus to both AC and all Saving Throws. It will seem light and unencumbering at this point.
Upon first being used in actual combat,...
Created for the merchant Ghaskari the Greedy, who sought to make a gift of it to his rival, this elaborately-embroidered and bejeweled coin purse imbues coins withdrawn from it with a deficiency in satisfaction. When a player spends money taken from this purse, a payee who would normally be satis...
This is an item for clerics and thieves. It appears as a ring with a stone of shiny black onyx. It will radiate powerful magic if tested for.
The Shade Ring gives the wearer influence over ghosts and ghost-like entities. Such beings will see the wearer as a person to be trusted and followed, a...
Trigger warning: Food,starvation
Game masters: Be sensitive to your players before using this cursed item.
This cursed item has to do with food, and may upset anyone with a history of eating disorders or who knows someone with a eating disorder, or anyone who experiences discomfort over...
Originally consecrated to the worship of a god of spies and assassins, Telltale Candles allow magical types (ostensibly, the clerics, priests, monks, or nuns of the spy god) to watch the movements and actions of anyone who uses one. Radiating magic if tested for, these will appear as expensive-lo...
Unwholesome Blades come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from that of dagger size, up to (rarely) that of a two-handed sword. These foul weapons will inflict the usual amount of damage to enemies for their weapon type, but also have two other characteristics in common: they are +1 to Hit and Damag...
These horns always come in identical pairs, one of which is quite useful, while the other is cursed. Known properly as Anchored Signal Horns, these items radiate powerful magic if tested for, but no amount of testing will reveal a cursed from a non-cursed one. They can be plain, or ornately worke...
This appears as a well-made long sword that radiates strong magic if checked for. Early tests will show that it endows the wielder with +2 to both Hit and Damage.
When first used in actual combat, the wielder must roll a Saving Throw vs. Magic, or else see their opponent(s) as their party-membe...
This appears as an ornate leather belt with a bronze clasp. It will magically alter to fit any wearer's size. During initial tests, it will appear to provide +2 to both AC and Saving Throws of the wearer.
The first time it is used in combat, it becomes impossible to remove, and reveals its true...
A pair of apparently finely-made armored boots provide +1 AC. Apparent value is 400 GP (DC 20 to realise that the boots are a cheap imitation).
The boots remain sturdy and comfortable until combat, when they fall apart upon the wearer's first turn, cutting into the wearer's legs, dealing 1d6 d...
This is an item for spellcasters. It will appear as a large jewel-encrusted brooch of a type often used to close cloaks and capes. It will radiate magic, if tested. All checks will indicate that this item endows the wearer with the power to see invisible creatures. There is no activation process fo...
This will appear as a silver ring of great craftsmanship. Magical testing will reveal it to have the power to sustain the wearer without food or drink for an indefinite period of time.
The curse has a cumulative 05% chance per day of taking hold (GM rolls once per day), whereupon it will start...