Mixed Signals

Straight-forward gaming

One of the cool things Klaatu has cooked up for us with this blog is a way to load it with content, to be published on set dates in the future. Now, lots of blogging software allows for that sort of functionality, but our situation is unusual; we use the version control system Git on the back e...

Yesterday, Klaatu and I worked on rolling up a character for Starfinder. We recorded it for a future Hacker Public Radio episode, which he volunteered to edit. Klaatu was traveling that day, and we got ready to record once he got settled in his motel room. It was a comedy of errors at first, d...

Do you like having fun in your games? We do too.

Constraints are good for a challenge, but restrictions on what you can use in your game content are never fun. And gaming is meant to be fun above all else.

This blog is where we reveal all of our best content, and a few of our crazy ideas. Everyt...