I'm reading through the published adventures available for Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory Warhammer RPG. Bloody Gates is the first part of a quartet of adventures, followed by On the Wings of Valkyries, Lord of the Spire, and Affliction Ascendant. This is an interesting series, because it's n...
I'm reading through the published adventures available for Cubicle 7's Wrath and Glory Warhammer RPG. The third adventure I read was Rain of Mercy, an introductory adventure about a water supply investigation.
In Rain of Mercy, players take on the role of a special task force hired by Rogue...
At Adepticon 2023, Games Workshop announced that Warhammer 10th Edition is imminent, set to release in the [Northern Hemisphere] summer. Nobody was exactly surprised at the news, because apparently it's time for a new edition based on GW's established pattern of a new edition every 3 years. That see...
I recently read through the Warhammer: Wrath and Glory tabletop RPG rulebook, and now I'm reading through the published adventures available for it from Cubicle 7. The second adventure I read was Brass Tax, an introductory Tier 2 adventure about a Space Marine rescue mission.
In Brass Tax, p...
Somebody once told me that paint is paint, and that it didn't much matter what you use for miniature painting. Turns out they were wrong. I've been painting with Contrast paints for the past few weeks, and I don't think I want to paint with anything else ever again (forgive the hyperbole).
I recently read through the Warhammer: Wrath and Glory tabletop RPG rulebook, and now I'm reading through the published adventures available for it from Cubicle 7. The first adventure I read was Graveyard Shift, a Tier 1 or 2 investigative adventure about the recovery of dangerous xeno tech.
If you think of Warhammer as just a series of video games...or a series of science fiction books, or as a series of miniature toy soldiers to paint, or as a series of board games, or as a war game...then you might be surprised to learn that it's also a tabletop roleplaying game. Or you might not be...
Last year, I read through a bunch of books published by Wizards of the Coast, and I wrote reviews about them which I scheduled to publish throughout 2023. I did this because I was reading the books in preparation for some 5e games. I've still got two 5th Edition games running as I write this blog po...
It turns out that not all miniatures you buy for your tabletop RPG or wargame are created equal. If you've been painting miniatures all your life, this is probably obvious. But for those of us new to painting miniatures, this is an important lesson. Here are my thoughts on miniature quality.
Recently, I've purchased some wargames, like Reign in Hell, Space Station Zero, and Mechaforce, and they all require miniatures. I knew they needed miniatures when I made the purchase, but they're all intentionally indifferent to what miniatures you use. My plan was to use RPG miniatures, and...
At the time of writing, Wizards of the Coast has just held a "summit" for D&D "influencers" and publishers. The event was well covered by Enworld and some Youtubers. I understand that it's in the spirit of reconciliation to take WotC at its word, to believe that they're sorry for what they attempt...
I like to treat painting miniatures as a craft project, not as an artistic one. Thinking about my process of painting in an objective and purely functional activity makes me less precious about it. I don't feel the weight of my own expectation. I don't sit staring at the unprimed miniature in dread,...
Painting miniatures is hard, and I'm no artist. Before miniatures, I'd painted walls, and that was my experience with paint. That was pretty intimidating, honestly, and it was a significant block for me to start painting as a hobby.
Once I started painting miniatures, I discovered something I hadn...
Miniatures are small.
Impossibly small.
So it's no surprise that you might think that painting miniatures would be a nearly impossible task. I have poor eyesight, and terrible eye-hand coordination. My hands tend to shake, I usually have an abundance of nervous energy, and my depth perception is...
For the longest time, I had no interest in painting miniatures. In an RPG, miniatures aren't essential components of the game. I've probably played as much tabletop RPG with miniantures as I have without. I've never played with miniatures in Shadowrun, for example. So when I did buy miniatures, I bo...
It's annoying that the Open Gaming License 1.0a is under attack, but it's not actually detrimental. As many people (and in fact possibly most people) recognize, you don't need anybody's permission to play a game at home, nor to write an adventure that happens to work with D&D™ 5th Edition. Don't c...