Mixed Signals

Straight-forward gaming

Classic Pendulum Trap: Large sharpened pendulum blades swing down from hidden slots in the ceiling. Each character in the area rolls 1d4 to see how many have a chance of hitting them (AC/Dex roll/Saving Throw/etc. to avoid). Each successful hit does 2d6 damage. Optional: There's a 50% chance of p...

White Water: The entire floor collapses into a fast-moving underground river. All characters in the area roll to grab onto a jagged ledge before tumbling in (Dex roll/Saving Throw/etc.). If they fail, characters fall into the river and are swept away. Optional: Characters might drown (Dex roll/Sa...

Classic Spike Pit: A trap door opens up below the character. Roll 1d6 for the number of spikes landed on, and then 1d4 damage for each. Optional: 50% chance of poison for each spike, with character losing 1 HP per minute until cured or dead.

Classic Snake Pit: A trap door opens up below the ch...

Classic Acid Rain: A half-globe of glass, mounted on the ceiling, is sensitive to smoke and similar particulate matter (such as glitterdust, sand, mist, vapour, and so on). If it detects such a substance, tiny spouts on it open, raining burning acid down upon the room.

Characters caught in the ar...

Tabletop role-playing games are fun, but getting started with them can seem overwhelming. Luckily, we all started somewhere, so if you have yet to dip your toes into RPG, you're in good company. I got started with D&D when I was in middle school: some friends were sitting around on lunch break rolli...

Do you like having fun in your games? We do too.

Constraints are good for a challenge, but restrictions on what you can use in your game content are never fun. And gaming is meant to be fun above all else.

This blog is where we reveal all of our best content, and a few of our crazy ideas. Everyt...